Not As Good As Aersomith But Good Enough

"The Lemon Tree EP" is available for streaming/buying purposes or if you're livingthe bay area come to any of these shows

Thursday December 28 @ The Knockout San Francisco, CA w/ Jus' Folks (!!!!!!) and Trainwreck Riders (raising $ to put out that heavy as fuck Burrito Metal Stoner record they recorded with Tim Green cause Tee Pee was too busy having to Pee Pee)
Friday December 29 @ The Ivy Room Albany, CA w/ Silent Era, Drama and Nopes 
Thursday January 11 @ The Octopus Literary Salon Oakland, CA w/ Turquoise Noiz, Pregnant, and 1988

I'm Too Much With Myself

"The Lemon Tree EP" drops 11/2/17 On Orifice Dorm Records

Newly recorded version of an old classic plus 3 new songs.

Tour Kickoff show will be at The Octopus Literary Salon in Oakland w/ Bad Boyfriends (Little Rock, AR), Mabs and Blades Of Joy

West Coast/Southwest Tour w/ Bad Boyfriends in the works

My Man On Love

Upcoming Shows

Saturday August 12 - @ Ivy Room in Albany, CA w/ Known To Collapse, Bloody Waters
Thursday August 24 - @ Octopus Literary Salon w/ Monster Treasure (tour kickoff), Vasas (sacramento), Don't Ask
Saturday September 23 - @ Octopus Literary Salon as the YOGURT BRAIN TRIO (first full set with a bass player ever) w/ Andrew Henderson, Step Moms, Crissy Bell

Unquestionable Presence

Summer 2017 Shows

Friday June 16 - @ TooT's Tavern Crockett w/ Violence Creeps, Stucko, Just Busted, Babewatch
Friday June 30 - @ Hemlock Tavern San Francisco w/ Devotionals, Smokin' Ziggurats, David and Joanna
Tuesday July 18 - @ Octopus Literary Salon Oakland w/ K^ren(!), Medvedi (El Paso), Lunas (El Paso)
Thursday July 27 - @ Hemlock Tavern San Francisco w/ Sad Baxter (nashville), By The Gods (nashville), Beauty Queen
Saturday August 12 - @ The Ivy Room w/ Known To Collapse

Pure Fucking Armageddon

2017 As Fuck Shows

Tue 3/14 @ GoodMother Oakland 7PM $4 w/ Kira Jari (Denton, TX), Pencil Pusher (SoCal)
Sun 3/19 @ Winters Tavern Pacifica 8PM w/ The Critical Shakes (Eugene) Puzzled (!)
Wed 3/29 @ Elbo Room SF w/ Kaz Mirblouk (LA), Union Pacific, Sam Bailey's and The Somethings
Mon 4/3 @ Night Light Oakland 8PM w/ Clark and the Himselfs (Boise) and J&L Defer (Switzerland)
Sat 5/13 @ Octopus Literary Saloon Oakland 8PM w/ Dawn Riding, Musk, Oozer (Austin), and Vampyre (Austin)

Fearlessly The Idiot Faced The Crowd

Upcoming 2017 Shows

Saturday February 11 @ Benders in San Francisco w/ Trainwreck Riders and Swiftumz
Tuesday February 21 @ Bottom Of The Hill in San Francisco w/ Terry Malts and Tony Molina
Sunday March 19 @ Winters Tavern in Pacifica w/ The Critical Shakes